
Pay It Forward - GIVE and GET a Leg Up in 2017


A Season of Giving - Let's Pay It Forward!

So often we get get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and seemingly forget what it is really all about. Spending time with family and friends, treasuring time honored family traditions: baking cookies, decorating ornaments, or making gingerbread houses with your kids. The holiday season is about love and sharing that love with others.  It’s about bringing a smile to someone's face.

This year has been such an amazing year of growth for me and my photography business. I’m so thankful to be able to wake up every morning and go to work doing what I love. This holiday season I would like to share that love and pay it forward by offering two people a complimentary Headshot Session.

As you know, in today's digital world a professional headshot is often the very first impression a potential employer or client will get of you.  It's more important than ever to have a photo that represents the professional YOU.  This year, why not give someone a LEG UP in the workplace by nominating them to win a professional headshot session!

PAY IT FORWARD by nominating someone deserving or in need of a a headshot session and if they win I WILL GIVE YOU your own headshot session!

Please only nominate someone who would like to get and would benefit from headshot photos.  It may be a good idea to check with them BEFORE nominating them!!
