Mother's Day

Celebrating Mom...Appreciation you can see!

Sometimes parenting can be a tough, pull your hair out, grab a bottle of wine and lock yourself in the bathroom type of thankless job....

As I sit here trying to write this blog post, my daughter is behind me singing into her karaoke machine as loud as she possibly can.  After every single song she asks me, "Mommy, do you think that I'm good enough to be on The Voice one day?"  Every.  Single.  Song.  <Facepalm>

My kids have been on Spring Break all week and I am quickly falling behind in my work.  I have 100 things I need to get done (including this blog post), and to be perfectly honest the karaoke is annoying the crap out of me.  My daughter KNEW I came to my desk to get some work done and decided to follow me into the room and sing her heart out.

As much as I want to tell her to leave, I can't.  You know why?  Because I know she wants to be NEAR ME.  She wants to sing FOR ME.  She wants attention, validation, acknowledgment and encouragement FROM ME.  She doesn't know or care about my work deadlines, she doesn't understand my responsibility of providing an income...all she knows is that she LOVES me and wants to BE WITH ME.

What she is really saying is, "Mommy, I rely on your constant encouragement and support for everything I do.  I need you to show/tell me that I can be who I want to be and push me in the right direction.  I TRUST you and look to you for advice and guidance.  You are my rock.  You are important in my life and I NEED you.

Nope....not going to send her to another room, instead I'm going to enjoy being interrupted every 3:28 minutes and answer that same question with enthusiastic support.

So, why am I writing this?  Because I know that moments like these exist all the time for EVERY Mom and I think it is important to realize that our children do these "annoying" things not to pester us, but to let us know how much they love us!

Wouldn't it be amazing if our children actually TOLD us how they felt instead of "showing" us?Mother Quote

Guess what?  This Mother's Day, I am going to provide an opportunity for exactly that to happen....

I asked an unsuspecting 10 year old boy to write down the answer to this question:  

"What do you love most about your Mom?" 

This is what he wrote:

Letter to Mom from boy!  Want another?

letter to mom

That is from a 7 year old boy!  When the Mom of these boys read these, she was brought to tears and so was I.  These boys took this "assignment" very seriously and poured their heart into their words.  Simply beautiful!

What would it mean to you to have something like this from YOUR child?

WAIT...What about you?

No matter what age your child(ren) may be, there is something that you ABSOLUTELY LOVE about them.  Every year that something probably changes, so how nice would it be to document what that something is right NOW?   As part of this session you will also have to write a little blurb about what it is that you love about your child(ren) at this moment in time.... Amy Text

Photography is all about capturing a moment in CELEBRATE MOM Mini Sessions are going above and beyond by providing not only a photograph of you and your child(ren), but the handwritten words that go along with this moment.  Mothers Day Mini Sessions

What I do want you to know is that you are valuable and you are a vital part of creating the people who are the future.

This session is about CELEBRATING YOU and acknowledging that the role you play in your child's life, is crucial. Our children might not always show their appreciation, but trust me...that love and gratitude is there.

Every Mom who books this session will receive a beautiful custom collage like the one above that they can look at and read whenever they need a reminder of how much they are loved.

Click to go to the INFORMATION & BOOKING PAGEMother Day Mini Sessions by Fotoplicity Let your child's words show you how much you are loved...