Sisters - And a March Adult Sibling Special

"There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me."~Mary MontaguSisters-1_WEB

Here is an interesting fact about myself....I'm an only child.  Yup...solo, single, just me.  Growing up I went through spurts of wanting a sibling, mostly because all of my friends had one, but I didn't really "miss" not having one simply because my Grandmother lived with us (who often took on the role as my substitute sister) and my 3 Great Aunt's lived right next door.  I also had my two best friends who lived on the other side of me, so I always had someone to play with.  In some ways, I always though myself lucky to not have to share my things nor my parents' attention.  It is only now, as I enter mid-life years that I can really feel the absence of a sibling.

There is definitely something to be said about the bond that siblings share.  Aside from family stories, these complex relationships tend to be the most enduring of all.  No other peer relationship involves a shared upbringing, shared genes and shared secrets. Studies have shown as you get older, having siblings for companionship, sharing memories and for support is huge - and as I get older, I can definitely see why.

For the next few weeks, I am celebrating SIBLINGS!  You shouldn't need a reason to take a portrait with your sibling, but if you do....Mother's Day is only 8 weeks away, and what better gift could you give Mom than a beautiful portrait of your and your sibling(s)?   You're never too old for a sibling portrait!

Indoor Adult Sibling Session    $50 3 Person Limit - portraits will require you to be very close to one another as in post photos!

Outdoor Adult Sibling Session   $75 4 Person Limit - done at local parks

Session fee includes pre-session consultation, session & reveal/ordering appointment Prints, digitals & products are sold separately. Special Pricing only valid through March 31, 2016.  Session must be booked within this time frame.


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