When Is The Right Time To Take Maternity Photos?

When is the right time to take maternity photos?

This is a question I get asked often and while the exact time will be different for every new Mom, there are a few guidelines that will help you decide what’s right for you.

The Best Time to show off that bump

For most, the second trimester (sometime between 28-36 weeks) is ideal. At this point your belly will be nice and round and you probably haven’t hit the real uncomfortable stage yet. After 36 weeks, your belly will start to feel very heavy, your feet may swell and honestly, taking portraits may not be appealing. It’s also important to remember that some babies like to make an early arrival so it’s best to be plan for that.

A maternity portrait of a woman on a forest path showing off her bump.

Pregnancies are all different

While the 28-36 week timeframe works for most, not all pregnancies are the same. If you are carrying multiples, are a high-risk pregnancy or are just feeling lousy you may be better off scheduling a bit earlier. Your bump may be quite visible as early as 24 weeks!

Still not sure? Talk to your photographer, be sure to bring up any concerns and together you will be able to decide the right time for you. Remember that the most important thing is for you to feel good!

Maternity photos are all about capturing the incredible changes that your body goes through to create a beautiful new life. This is an important milestone and you will want beautiful imagery to remember it!

A maternity fine art portrait of a man and his wife.

When to Book Your Photographer

Now that you have an idea of when the best time for your shoot to take place, it’s important to know that you need to book your photographer well before that time. The longer you wait, the less likely your first-choice photographer will be available - remember, you have a very limited timeframe for getting in those pictures - baby doesn’t wait!

Interested in booking your maternity shoot in NJ with Fotoplicity?
Click the link below to head over to the Contact Form and Jennifer will respond within 48 hours to discuss your needs and goals.