Never-mind Glamour Portraits...Why not just Do YOU?!

A collage of women being their authentic selves.

You see them all over the internet…gorgeous photos of women wearing full length gowns, hair perfectly styled and makeup tv-perfect. Maybe you’ve even done a glamour shoot yourself. While I do see the beauty in that Vogue-type imagery, my challenge with it is that it isn’t really AUTHENTIC.

When you have someone else do your hair, makeup and dress you, no matter how much you like it, you become someone else’s vision of you. Have you ever had your makeup done and felt…well….weird? I don’t know about you, but whenever I have had my makeup done (no matter how well it is done), when whatever event is over I feel a huge relief to go home and wash it off.

A collage of a beautiful woman posing for fun portraits in the snow.

Most women don’t dress in ball gowns, have a hairstylist do their hair and a makeup artist on call. Is that fun to do? Sure it is - but when you put on the costume, the mask comes with it, your personality changes and you present yourself differently.

So, needless to say, my favorite sessions with women are the ones where they can leave all that “costume” behind. They do their own hair and makeup. They dress in the clothing that makes them feel confident and more like their everyday self. I want my clients to do the same - get lost in enjoying their authentic selves and the moment.

A woman wearing a coat being her authentic self for photos.

All of the images on this page were from shoots where the women dressed themselves, and did their own hair and makeup. They came to the shoot with the goal of just enjoying some “Me” time. We walked around, acted silly, had relaxed conversations and there was absolutely NO PRESSURE to perform. Comfort was the goal and in return the lens found and captured their authentic selves.


A collage of a woman enjoying a winter photo session in NJ.

Are you interested in capturing your authentic self in portraits?

Why not inquire about a session that brings out the authentic you in YOU?
Feel confident in your own skin?
Get imagery that you can confidently share with your family?
Photos that you can relate to?

Let’s talk!