Studio News & Info

Why All Fotoplicity Proofing Galleries are Curated for You

All of my session packages include a fixed number of fully edited images that are promised in a proofing gallery.  For an hour long session it's usually between 20-30, for an Snapshot Session it's about 12.  I am often asked "Why can't I see ALL the images from my session?"  While this seems reasonable to someone purchasing a session who just watched me click away for an hour, there are several reasons why I can not accommodate the request. The first reason is - you don't want to!  No, really - You don't want to!  Because I deal with constantly moving and active children, most of the images I shoot end up getting thrown away due to blinks, weird expressions, movements, silly faces, blurs, etc.  Part of my service is taking the time to cull through all of the images and determine which to throw away.

During an hour long session I shoot anywhere from 150-250 images.  It's tedious, time consuming and boring work to review each and every photo. If I made you do it, not only would you be faced with a daunting, overwhelming task but you would most likely never seek out my services ever again after that.  If you have ever watched a TV show like "Restaurant Impossible" one of the top complaints from customers is the size of the menu. Too many choices can be overwhelming for anyone, and reviewing hundreds of options is exhausting.  By allowing me to curate your images, you are guaranteed a gallery full of phenomenal images.

Another reason you want me to do this is because I have the ability to see the potential of an image you might otherwise overlook.   Here is a perfect example...this image is SOOC (straight out of the camera)SOOC enchanted image

Technically, the image is sound but it doesn't move you, does it?  There's a black object in the corner of the screen, the lighting is OK but overall it's quite boring.  That's what an untrained eye sees.  This image is one you would quickly pass by if you were culling the images, right?  I wouldn't.  I always look for the potential of an image and this one has TONS!  The beautiful bokeh (creamy background), the speckles of light throughout, the sun backlighting her hair....  what I see in this image is THIS...After edit of enchanted image

THIS is why you hire me and then trust me to do my job.  I can discard images without potential AND find a diamond in the rough...which brings me to the other reason for not showing all the session images...

As I explain in my Enchanted Session FAQ,  as an artist, I choose to only allow clients to see my finished, fully edited work. The original image right out of the camera is not representative of the final edit and allowing my clients to see those originals would serve absolutely no purpose.  Take a look at this before/after.  Before After Edit by Fotoplicity

The original image is nice, but after my edit the "nice" becomes a "WOW!" worthy of displaying on your wall.  These edits take time and thought - it is all part of the process.  The final image is my product and that final product is a result of the entire process of planning the session, taking multiple versions of this image and editing the best from the series.

I take great care in selecting the best images and then spend a lot of time hand editing (painting - no filters) each and every picture that makes the original cut. The photos I choose to not edit are left behind for a reason.  When you hire me, you are placing your trust my eye, talent and skill.

While I work with every client individually to ensure their expectations from the session are fulfilled, as a professional, I have to stand firm to my policy and allow my unedited images to remain separate from the final product presented.

Think of it this way...we wouldn't ask J.K Rowling to show us her first draft of Harry Potter, would we?  There is a part of the creative process that is meant to stay behind the scenes.

Understanding The Cost of Professional Photography

15399330_m"Serioulsy?, $$$ for a one hour session?  That's crazy, a doctor doesn't even get paid that! " "Why would I pay $$$ for a session when my sister who just bought an expensive camera can do it for free?"

These are all valid questions and I want to take the time to explain why professional photographers cost what they do...

Before I dive into this, I want to explain how I define "Professional Photographer".

A professional photographer is someone who has spent years mastering the technical craft, produces consistent quality work, maintains reputable business ethics and practices, and earns a living (or a portion of their income) through an established legal business that holds insurance and pays taxes.  A professional photographer IS NOT the lady down the street has a nice DSLR and charges $50 cash to photograph her friends' children.

With that out of the way, let's take a look at why professional photography costs what it does...


Most people don’t realize the amount of time and effort that goes into creating those beautiful images.  To give you a good idea, here is a breakdown of a typical portrait session:

  • 30 Minutes: Booking time (contracts, paperwork)
  • 20-30 Minutes: Travel time to and from session
  • 20 Minutes: Prep time and set up for the shoot
  • 1 Hour: Shooting time
  • 1 Hour: Downloading and culling photographs from the shoot
  • 2-5 Hours: Editing (color correction, cropping, re-touching, artistic editing, resizing, preparing for print, etc)
  • 2-3 Hours: Orders (meeting with client, ordering prints, arranging payments, all the accounting that goes along with this)
  • 2-6 Hours: Design time for custom albums, cards, collages, etc.

In this example, the time involved in a one hour session can range from 9-17 hours!  That session cost covers a lot more than just that 1 hour spent with the client.

15475320_mPersonalized Service

A professional photographer takes the time to know you, communicates with you and asks questions before the shoot and works with you to achieve your vision.  They work with your child to make them feel comfortable and develop a rapport that makes for ease and genuine smiles.  Those $19.99 packages that you can get a the chain store photo shop?  Well, it's a bit of a different experience.

Talent & Skill

Having the ability to get those beautiful posed and candid images isn’t just about the expensive camera.  Professional Photographers spend tons of time learning, researching and training.  A professional photographer does NOT put their camera on Auto mode and snap away.  They understand how to manipulate the camera settings manually to achieve the look they are going for.  Professional photographers also are usually good communicators and have an eye for posing people and getting them to look their best.


Professional photographers are artists.  Look at several photographers portfolios and you will see several very different looks!  Photographers take years to achieve their “style” and once they find it, they perfect it.  By hiring a professional, you are guaranteed that your images will reflect the look and feel that you liked in their portfolio images.

Business Expenses


Professional Photographers invest in professional equipment.  A professional photographer has cameras (yes, they have more than one because a backup IS necessary) that cost anywhere from $3000-$5000, several lenses upwards of $1000 and lighting equipment.  Then add to that the cost of tripods, backdrops, props, memory cards, advertising costs, software, taxes….well, you get the point!

Professional Photographers also invest in computer software to edit photographs, back up images and run their websites.  Professional Photographers maintain liability insurance, pay taxes and have marketing expenses.

Still Not Sure?

It may help to think about it this way….most women will spend anywhere from $75-300 every few months to have their hair cut, colored and styled by a professional stylist even though they can do it themselves for significantly less.  Why?  Because they are paying for the stylist’s expertise, time as well as the experience.11119859_s

Photography is no different…well, maybe a little…. A beautiful image that captures the essence of your family's personality can have a greater impact and last several lifetimes...that haircut and color, well that only lasts a few weeks.

The bottom line, professional photography is an investment.  Whether or not that investment is valuable or not, is completely up to you!Charolotte187-WM