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Life's Decisions Simplified Through A Child's Perspective & The Importance of Capturing It Through Photography

Life's Decisions Simplified Through A Child's Perspective & The Importance of Capturing It Through Photography

As parents, we often find ourselves learning valuable life lessons from our children. Recently, during a drive to summer camp where my soon-to-be 18-year-old daughter is working as a Junior Counselor, she surprised me when I asked he what age campers she wanted to work with. While I expected her to choose older campers because she could relate to them better, her response was unexpected and insightful.

My daughter, like many rising seniors, has been grappling with the pressure of making life-altering decisions about her future. Visiting colleges, studying for standardized tests, and applying for scholarships had consumed her life for the past six months. If you haven’t experienced this yet, let me tell you as a parent, this journey can be a very stressful experience for the whole family.

When I asked her why she wanted to work with the youngest campers, I was expecting her to mention the need for an escape from the pressures of college decisions. However, her answer was far more profound than I could have imagined. She expressed her desire to work with younger kids because of their unique ability to see the world differently than adults or older kids.

She said

“Because they think differently. If I were to ask older kids which college I should attend, they would have me weigh pros and cons, or provide info about someone they know who went to a particular university…all helpful, but if you ask a little kid the same question they would say something like, “Well, which college has prettier flowers?” and you know what…that is important too! It’s that little stuff that we forget about as we get older and it are those little things that allow us to enjoy life to the fullest".”

She went on to say that little kids have a special ability to ask questions that adults or older kids wouldn’t.

“What’s your favorite dinosaur? Who do you like more, Mickey or Minnie? Why?
“That’s the perspective I really NEED right now”.

This conversation resonated with me, especially as a photographer. I particularly love photographing young children because they view the world through a lens unburdened by practical concerns or societal expectations. They possess an innate curiosity and a genuine appreciation for life's little details. This pure and unfiltered perspective is a gift that adults often lose touch with as they grow older.

Just like working with young campers allows my daughter to reconnect with her childlike perspective, photography allows me to preserve these precious moments & thoughts for my clients. A photograph has the power to freeze the moments we often forget to notice, allowing us to revisit and cherish them, even as the years pass by.

Seeking out the childlike perspective in our daily lives can have a profound impact on our well-being. The innocence and wonder that young children exude serve as a reminder to slow down, appreciate the little things, and find joy in the simplest of moments.

As we age, it's crucial to nurture the child within us. Embracing our childlike curiosity and imagination can lead to increased creativity, reduced stress, and enhanced mental well-being. Photography can be a powerful tool in this process, encouraging us to explore our surroundings with a fresh perspective, just like a child encountering the world for the first time.

My daughter's decision to work with young campers and her profound insights on their unique perspective reminded me of the importance of preserving and nurturing our childlike spirit. As she embarks on her journey into adulthood, I am grateful for the reminder to truly appreciate the beauty and wonder in even the simplest aspects of life. Let us all take inspiration from the innocent lens of a child and find joy in the little things that make life truly meaningful.

Make it a point to savor the magic that lies within the everyday!